Is it better to create a website using manual code or CMS?

Is it better to create a website using manual code or CMS?
When starting to build a website, one of the issues that many people are concerned about and wonder about is whether to choose website design using hand code or CMS (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla,...). Join DybiWeb to find out the answer to this problem below.

What is CMS?

CMS (short for Content Management System) is a content management system, with the function of controlling content on a website such as text, images, video, audio, files, etc. By using CMS, you can create website content quickly, save management time, and reduce operating and maintenance costs without having to know programming.

Currently, there are many CMS systems such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla,... each type targets and meets its own needs. WordPress is one of the most popular platforms, powering 80% of websites in the world.

What is manual code?

Hand coding is simply programming a website from start to finish, without relying on any system. This process requires in-depth programming knowledge and good skills, from defining functions and creating content to optimizing website performance.

Advantages and disadvantages:

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Here I will only say the most important points.

With CMS:

Like WordPress, it is open-source, and all programmers can contribute and write additional functions (modules) for this platform. So WordPress has almost all the features of an e-commerce website or a news and introduction website... Therefore, WordPress helps you shorten the time to build a website. At the same time, because it is quite popular, it is easy to hire someone to manage your website.

However, because there are so many functions, sometimes you don't need to use the management tool, which becomes confusing and complicated, making it difficult for an ordinary untrained person to manage (here I say if You manage your website yourself without hiring a technician). And as you know, creating a website without managing it effectively is meaningless. Second, because many people contribute, it is easy for functions to conflict with each other, causing errors (Actually, the customer does not need to worry about errors because there is a technology where you make the website and they can fix the errors). ), in addition, conflicts can also slow down your website. Third, the code is not written by the web company, so it will be difficult to edit and upgrade (customers do not need to worry about this when you request editing, they are responsible for doing it, difficult). is their job). Finally, the common problem of all open source is being vulnerable to attacks (this will be taken care of by the company where you make the website, you don't have to worry).

With manual code:

The obvious advantage is that the code is streamlined and the website runs smoothly (web speed directly affects Google rankings). It's said to be hand-coded from start to finish, but most of the functions of a regular website from a web company are already available, so it doesn't take too much time. The management part will be close to what your website needs, the management function is also simpler, what you don't need will not be displayed so it will be very easy to manage the website. (This is very important, because people often only focus on creating a beautiful website interface, but forget that good content management is the key issue to increase website performance and increase rankings. search).

Regarding editing and upgrading, there will be two sides: if you work with a company throughout the time you use the website, it will be very quick to edit because the code is written by them, they understand it well and customize it quickly. , easy to upgrade. But if there is any problem that you do not fix with the original website design company, editing and upgrading will be extremely difficult if you find another company to do it. Almost 90% of companies ask you to redo a new website.


In short, in my opinion, both CMS and Manual Code methods bring the same SEO effectivenessCMS and Manual Code can both create an SEO-standard website. However, I like the Tay code website better because the source code and HTML source are streamlined and simple and the Tay code's management page is easier to use, you can understand it without needing much explanation.