Instructions for installing Google Search Console or Google Webmaster Tool

Instructions for installing Google Search Console or Google Webmaster Tool
If you are a website administrator; you must know what is Google Search Console or Google Webmaster Tools; if you are an SEO; the more you can't help but know this tool.

Google Search Console is a completely free website management service from Google. This tool helps you maintain, track, and handle both On page SEO  and OFF page SEO issues, thereby making your website search engine friendly.

Some of the advantages of this tool are:

  • Monitor data collection status
  • Declare updated content to Google
  • Monitor website traffic, click-through rate, and impressions.
  • Handling access issues from mobile devices (AMP, Mobile, ...)
  • Monitor internal links, and backlinks pointing to the website.

After knowing what Google Search Console is, let's learn how to use it with TopOnSeek

7 simple steps to connect Google Search Console to your website

Step 1: Access  Google Search Console

Step 2: In the "Search Property" section, select "Add Property". If the interface is in Vietnamese, select "add assets" in the search box.

Step 3: Add the website/domain you want to connect

Go to step 4: Verify: Select "HTML Tag" and receive HTML code

Step 5: Log in to the admin page, go to "Web Information" and paste the code into the "Header" section and save it.

Step 7: Finally return to Google Search Console and click "Verify"

How to optimize the Google Search Console website?

Once the connection to GSC is complete, you may have to wait 3-5 days for Google to collect the data. However, we can start getting acquainted with the important features of this tool.

1. Performance

This is the main interface of the gg search console to help you understand important metrics such as:

  • Total clicks: Website visits through all marketing channels (social, organic search, reference, ...)
  • Total impressions: The number of website impressions when users search for a word or keyword phrase; This index has nothing to do with whether you are in the top 100 or whether users see your website or not.
  • Average CTR: This is the average click rate based on the number of times users visit the website divided by the number of impressions.
  • Average position: Average position based on keyword rankings of the entire website.

You can also sort these data by:

  • Keyword
  • Landing page
  • Geographical location
  • Access device

Although it does not provide specific data or separate channels like Google Analytics; Google Search Console data still helps you get an overview of the rankings and traffic of the entire website. From there, we can evaluate the development as well as detect problems on the website when there are fluctuations in data.

2. URL Inspection

If you do SEO long enough, you will understand that having Google update data early is extremely important; and directly affects the ranking and traffic of the website. Especially pages about news and events.

In addition, during the SEO process, you will have to update the content and sometimes change the URL structure; At this point, waiting for Google to return to collect data will be extremely time-consuming.

This URL Inspection tool will help you notify Google that this content is new or has been updated.

3. Sitemap (Site map)

Sitemaps help Google crawl faster and more effectively. You can create sitemaps using manual sitemap creation tools (Screaming Frog, XML sitemap,...). Or create automatically on the admin page under "Web Information"

After creating the sitemap, just "Copy the link" and send it to GSC

The Sitemaps function of Google Search Console helps you:

  • Monitor whether the Sitemap is read by Google or not.
  • Are there any errors in Google reading the sitemap?
  • What is the content of the sitemap?
  • Declare  when the sitemap changes (necessary if creating a manual sitemap)