Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website
This article guides you through configuring the GoogleMap module to display maps on your website. The steps are as follows:

DybiWeb supports 1 address map and multiple address map (for companies or shops with multiple addresses). The GoogleMap module configuration interface is as follows:

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

(1): The system will automatically retrieve the address according to the address information you declared in Web information in the website management system. If you only have 1 address, priority will be given to the address you enter in the Address box (1). If you do not enter here, the system will automatically take the first address in Address information .

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

(3): Zoom level: depending on the distribution density of branches on the map, you choose the appropriate zoom level. If there is only 1 address displayed on the map, a zoom of about 15 is good.

(2): API Key: According to Google's new policy announcement, to use Google Map on websites and apps,... we need to have an Api Key (or Google Maps API) to be able to use Google Maps. To have Google Maps API, perform the following steps:

Step 1:  Access  Google API Console → Select a project ( Note: Each Project can contain many API libraries, each API library can be used for many websites, depending on your settings.)  

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Step 2:  Add a new Project

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Step 3:  Fill in all information  → Create 

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Step 4:  After  creating → The project  you just created   →  APIs & Servives → Credentials   

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Step 5:  Here  → CREATE CREDENTITALS →  copy Your API Key to use  → Restrict Key to continue installation.   

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Step 6: Finally, go to edit api and edit the name information to make it easier to remember and increase security

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

 Fill in information according to the following instructions:

  • Name:  Name  the API  for easy future management
  • Application restrictions: Http referrers  (web sites)
  • Website restrictions  Enter the following two values
  • ** (Example: **)
  •* (Example:*)
  • API restrictions:  Don't restrict key
  • Save: Save API  settings 

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Step 7:  This step is quite important.

Go to  the Project  you just created  →  APIs & Servives  →  Library

Import the   following  Libraries →  Enable :

  • Maps JavaScript API
  • Directions API
  • Maps Embed API
  • Geocoding API
  • Places API

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Step 8:  After  Enable  is completed  → Dashboard  to check the successfully installed libraries. 

Instructions for configuring Google Map for website

Thus, we have completed the  Google Maps API initialization process.

Now update the Key in Step 5 into the module and you're done.